1. I dropped by this evening and tried out the XXXL burger, prawn burger and fish burger. They were not a disappointment ;) Were took off guard by the serving size though. Nice work! Look forward to trying the oblong series.

  2. Thx for ur support ya^^ v will do our best 2 serve u all.. if got any problem u can tell us, tis is very important for ur to improve our products n services..

  3. This burger is the best...must try burger

  4. first time i datang ke kedai ni i impressed on how they got an idea to create a new environment for their customer to enjoy the burger . nice place and for sure i like their burger. BUT something im going to say is that, their service are BAD. how they treat their customer i really2 dont like it . Bayangkan my friends order and then after almost 1 hour the didnt get his burger then he ordered again for the second time still he got the burger late. i dont know what is going on but dari cara riak wajah pelayan dh nampak yg diorg nii tak mesra pelanggan. Sayang bila customer dh suka dtang untuk makan burger tapi dgn cara layanan tuu mcm gituu boleh buat diorg hilang customer. Just give some comment for u guys to improvise.
